Pranab Kumar Das


Pranab Kumar Das

Honorary Senior Research Fellow
University of Birmingham


Professor Pranab Kumar Das is a retired Academic of Academic Medical Centre-the University of Amsterdam (AMC-UvA) , Netherlands . Currently since 2011 he is a Honorary Senior Research Fellows at the University of Birmingham (UOB) UK, at AMC-UvA and at LUMC , Nl. Following his retirement in 2006, Das continued his academic activities at a low gear which extend to various Universities around the globe. Currently, he is also a Guest professor at the Institute Lauro Souza Lima, Bauru, SP, Brazil and also a contractual Professor of "Immune deficiency and inflammation", at the Institute of Paediatrics, University , of Brescia, Italy. He continues to be active the field of "Immunity, Inflammation and Infection", by maintaining his affiliation with different Institutes . One of his current research area is in the field of Neglected tropical diseases e.g. Leprosy. Due to his active role in this field, he was drawn to the wider field of other stigmatised skin disorders (like Ulcers and Vitiligo). Because of his active research involvement in immunopathology of leprosy and other neglected tropical disease, his research was diversified in wider fields of Inflammation, Immunity ,Infection and Cancer. Dr Das published more than 200 peer reviewed research articles and the Hirsche Index and research gate scores reflecting his publications are 38 and 44 respectively. Professor Das is ethnically Asian Indian and a naturalised Briton since 1968. His schooling and early University educations were completed in Chittagong and Dhaka of present day Bangladesh (formerly undivided India). He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry from University of London, UK with a thesis on "Genetic Variants of Human Cholinesterases", in 1969. After obtaining his Ph.D. degree he held the positions of Post Docs and lecturer-ships/assistant professorships around the globe e.g. starting from UK, Hong Kong, Canada, USA, Germany and then ending up in Amsterdam, Netherlands, in the year of 1977. In University of Amsterdam, he started up as the Assoicate Professor in Immunology/Immunopathology, then becoming professor, where he organised an active group of researchers to study Immunopathogy of tissue (with a focus on skin) Inflammation and Immunity, and such diversified interest was originally inspired by his research on Leprosy. Eventually, he retired in 2006 and currently he leads an active academic life as an Honorary academic.