Gustavo Puglia Machado

EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBER - Gustavo Puglia Machado

Gustavo Puglia Machado

Sao Paulo State University


Gustavo Puglia Machado is Bachelor's at Veterinary Medicine (2004-2008), MSc (2009-2010), PhD (2011-2013) in Veterinary Medicine (Animal Health, Veterinary Public Health and Food Safety area), School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Sao Paulo State University, Campus of Botucatu, SP. Scientific Reviewer of 20 journals. Gustavo has experience in Veterinary Medicine, focusing on Zoonosis and Public Health, and Infectious Diseases of Animals, acting on the following subjects: preventive veterinary medicine, zoonoses, infectious and parasitic diseases of animals, diagnosis, molecular biology and epidemiology, Mastitis, Milk Quality, Toxoplasmosis and Neosporosis. Researcher and clinical director of Dr. Munhoz veterinary hospital since 2014 in the state of Sao Paulo