Dr. Aletheia Peters Bajotto

EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBER - Dr. Aletheia Peters Bajotto

Dr. Aletheia Peters Bajotto

Physical Therapy department
Franciscan University Center


Professor at Physical Therapy department of the Franciscan University Center (UNIFRA, Brazil). Brazilian Physical Therapist, PhD in Medical Sciences: UFRGS (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul), and Master in Biomedical Gerontology at PUCRS. Specialist in Manual and Postural Therapy (Cesumar) and in Health Care Management for Older Adults (GHC-IFRS). Physiotherapist from UNISC (University of Santa Cruz do Sul). Part Doctorate in "Center on Ageing" department University of Manitoba (UofM), Canada 2013 - 2014. Sponsored by Brazil Ministry of Education. Areas of interest: Ageing, Kinesiology, Public Health, Collective Health and Bioethics.


Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, Collective Health, Bioethics, Prevention and Rehabilitation